The Story Tellers

Ana Maria Irueste-Montes
7 min readMar 21, 2021
Pre-Hispanic jaguars fresco with flowing information, like a river, coming out of their mouths

I look at myself in the mirror and I see my mother’s face staring back at me. My mother’s cheekbones, my father’s lips. I used to think I didn’t look anything like her, and yet here I am. I am my mother’s story and I am my own story. You are also the story of your parents and your own. Every story has value. We need to hear them. For each one helps us understand the world, like a fractal, it has a number, a complexity, part of our evolutionary DNA.



Ana Maria Irueste-Montes

Personal & executive coach, partners with her clients in their journey of growth & transformation. Mentor, teacher, & grandparent, curious & grateful.